Blog Posts
A tutorial on finding minimum point correspondences between two point sets
July 24, 2024
3D point cloud registration with a focus on minimum point correspondences theoretically
Hands-on tutorial: Lie theory and using manif for 2D/3D SLAM
August 20, 2021
A gentle intro to Lie theory and its use in 2D/3D SLAM for robotics applications
Least Squares Optimization in Vision and Robotics: A Generic Formulation
December 03, 2020
A crisp look at important optimization functions in Computer Vision and Robotics
Mobile Robotics: Navigating from Theory to Application
August 15, 2020
This resource is a series of detailed notes on mobile robotics concepts. The content is organized under three main umbrella topics: Geometric Transformations and Mapping, Optimization Techniques in Robotics, and Visual Perception and Camera Calibration.