Hands-on tutorial: Lie theory and using manif for 2D/3D SLAM

The main blog post with code snippets can be found here: Hands-on tutorial: Lie theory and using manif for 2D/3D SLAM.

This article provides a hands-on tutorial on Lie theory and its application in 2D/3D SLAM using the manif library. It begins with an introduction to Lie groups and algebras, explaining their relevance in robotics and state estimation. The tutorial then delves into the practical aspects of using manif for SE(2) and SE(3) Smoothing and Mapping (SAM), covering topics such as group actions, tangent spaces, and calculus on manifold spaces. The article concludes by highlighting the simplicity of extending 2D SLAM concepts to 3D using the same mathematical framework, emphasizing the power of Lie theory abstraction in robotics applications.

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